Tips & Guides / Pets

How to Live in a Landing With Your Cat

By Jessica Goudreault | Nov 11, 2021

Meet Blink!

He’s my handsome, crazy cat who has lived with me in more apartments than I can count. Earlier this year, we started traveling the United States, hopping from city to city while living in pet-friendly Landing apartments.

So far, it’s been a breeze. If you’re thinking about moving somewhere new with your cat in tow, here are my tips for living in a Landing apartment with your pets: cat edition. 

Travel comfortably

I’ve had Blink since he was a kitten. We’ve taken many trips in my car, from trips to the office down the street to his “grandpurrents” over an hour away. As a kitten, he really didn’t mind the car, often riding on my shoulder…

A person holding a cat in a car

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Or making himself cozy on the dashboard…

A picture containing tree, car, outdoor, domestic cat

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But most often, he just passed out on my lap…

As he’s gotten older (he’s five years old now), he has become less fond of car rides. And yet, we still make it work. While some people keep their cats in a carrier while they drive, I find that Blink is much more comfortable—and quiet—on my lap. Usually, he meows for a little while, before quieting down for a nap. 

Find what makes your cat comfortable, then accommodate your ride to them! If you’re planning on taking a long road trip and your cat isn’t used to the car, I recommend a few shorter, practice trips to see what makes your pet the happiest. 

And as for Blink, some things just never change.

A dog lying on a person's lap

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Safety first

When you’re traveling between Landing apartments, whether it’s by car or plane, it’s good for your cat to wear a harness and leash. Even if your cat is in a carrier, they could bolt out once you open the door to give them food or water, etc. Having a harness and leash will allow you to capture them much more easily, and it’s a lot harder for them to slip out of than a collar.

Unlike dogs, cats are not very used to collars and harnesses, so it helps to acclimate them before your big journey. I started leash training Blink when he was young—yes, I was that person walking a cat around the neighborhood. But I didn’t introduce the harness until a few months before we started traveling the country. I started by having him wear it around the house, and then I took him out for adventures. 

A cat wearing a harness

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I suggest your cat always wear their harness and leash during your travels, just in case.

Staying at a hotel/motel

On our 20-hour drive from New Hampshire to Nashville, we stopped halfway to stay at a pet-friendly motel overnight. Blink was naturally curious and anxious when we got in the room, but he acclimated pretty quickly. It helped that I gave him one of his favorite toys—it’s literally just a hair elastic. He’s obsessed with them.

A cat lying on a bed

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During the car ride, Blink didn’t want to drink water or use his litter box, but he did eat food out of my hand. I was a little worried about this, but after a quick Google search, I realized that cats can hold it for 24 to 48 hours and will be okay without water for a long time—unless they go for multiple days, of course.

I brought a fresh, portable litter box for the motel so that I didn’t have to lug his big litter box in and out of the room. Blink immediately knew what it was and used it appropriately after he drank plenty of water.

A cat on top of a box

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In the morning, he was ready for the rest of the journey!

A dog on a leash

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Arriving at our new home!

When we got to our Landing apartment, I brought Blink in first via his cat carrier. I didn’t force him out of his carrier, but just let him come out on his own terms.

He was immediately curious and came right out!

I gave him some time to relax and explore before I brought everything else in. 

A cat wearing a shoe

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To help him feel more comfortable and at home, I brought all his favorite toys—mostly hair elastics—and his favorite blanket. These items all carry certain smells and a sense of familiarity that remind him of a safe space, allowing him to feel more at home wherever he is.

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I work remotely, so he and I can hang out plenty during the day. But when I’m not there, I can keep an eye on him with my home camera, ironically called a “Blink.” It’s so comforting to know that I can see what he’s up to and know that he’s okay, even when I’m not there.

We’ve officially been in our new apartment for three weeks now, and he is completely comfortable in his new (temporary) home. Well, in his own weird way…

A cat sleeping on a bed

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Looking for pet-friendly apartments?

If you want to live somewhere new and bring your pet along for the adventure, Landing offers fully furnished and pet-friendly apartments in over 375 cities throughout the U.S. Plus, our flexible lease terms let you and your furry friend stay for exactly as long as you want—no more yearlong leases tying you down! 

Learn more about what a Landing membership can do for you, and browse our network of apartments today!

Jessica Goudreault

Jess is a freelance travel writer and digital marketing specialist who has been traveling the United States for over a year with her dog, cat, 10 house plants, and anything else she can fit in her Subaru. She specializes in writing about the best food, drinks, and outdoor activities she tries based on local recommendations. You can catch her hopping from city to city every three months, writing about her travels while sipping on a nice cold pint.